Steel mill heavy duty DC motors series SM-ML (MILL motors) have been designed for use in variable speed drives for heavy
duty applications. Motors have skewed armature slots to ensure low torque ripples at slow speed. Motors are available up to
These motors exactly meet A.I.S.E. Standard requirements in terms of:
- outputs (torques, speeds, powers, etc.)
- overall and coupling dimensions
- domensions and positioning of ventilation openings
so they are fully interchangeable to whatever DC motor of same frame size manufactured in accondance with A.I.S.E. Standards
- 1 tapered shaft end only (IM1003)
- 1 (IM1001) or 2 (IM1002) cylindrical shaft ends
- terminal box
- different kinf of thermal protection (Pt100, PTC, etc.)
- tachometers, pulse generators, overspeed switches
- anticondensation heater
- brakes